Thursday, January 8, 2009

One month in...

First, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who's read my book so far! I appreciate all your feedback. Ironically (and I hope this is a good sign) my biggest negative return has been "I don't like the ending!" Reason being, I sort of leave it at a cliff hanger, though I do resolve the story thread I wished to resolve in book 1. Though I call Forsaken Kingdom a series, in reality it is one large story that will be presented in what I plan to be three to four books, similar to what Tolkien did with the Lord of the Rings.

Good news: I've started the second book.
Bad news: It's going to be at least a year before I can finish it, then it will take more time to get it professionally edited and put in a book form. Although, if I can get a traditional publisher to pick up City of Prophecy, the timetable will be shorter.

Prayer Request: I'm juggling many things right now, and I'm hoping God sees some use in these books I'm writing. If so, I really need prayer that someone in the publishing industry will take notice of my series. Advertising/Promoting this thing isn't easy, and I have to be careful not to spend too much. Anyway, if you've read it, and liked it, please spread the word to other readers who might like it as well. And to repeat, all prayers will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!!


Brandon Barr said...

Hi Pete,

Nice to meet you. I'm a member of the lost genre guild and found you when you posted your introduction.
Were close the same age...I'll be turning 28 in February, and like you, I've got a book published (however mines not out quite yet, but soon).

I'm curious, who's your publisher?

I have a blog too, and I'd love to have you drop in once in a while if you've got the time.

That's amazing you sold 30 plus books at Berean! Congrats on that, that is quite an accomplishment...looks like the candy bowl worked well :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Pete!

Like the previous poster, I'm also a member of the lost genre guild. It's very nice to meet another Tolkien aficionado and homeschool graduate :) (Homeschoolers are cool) :)

Your book's website looks amazing as does the book. Congratulations on getting it published. :)

I've written a fantasy novel for middle grade readers, but haven't quite gotten it published yet. God is opening the doors though, as He always does in His perfect time.

Praying for you and all your future endeavors (not just in writing, but in all areas of your life).


Pete Dudek said...

Hi Brandon and Christine. I actually self-published through CarnationCityPress, which is my own publisher. I use the printer LightningSource which is what I've heard most major traditional publishers use. I released City of Prophecy in Dec 2008 and hope to have sold enough books by Dec 2009 to garner some traditional publisher or literary agency interest.